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Operational Risk  Register

Fund Elements Operational Risk Register connects your governance and  operational teams providing a unified approach to the management of your funds operational risks.


The Operational Risk Register enables a wide and deep approach to ensure that every member of your team knows the role you expect them to play in identifying and minimising your fund's risks. 


The process centric approach delivered through your funds digital operations model ensures a level of precision that removes any ambiguity about the nature of the risk. Each entry in the Operational Risk Register is connected to an underlying process, cross referenced to relevant data tables as well as the proposed resolution.


Fund Elements Operational Risk Register provides visibility around all of your fund's work-arounds and spreadsheet dependencies. It allows you specify the additional interim controls required while you work on longer term solutions.


For more information on how the Fund Elements Operational Risk Register helps you manage operational risk, click the More Information button and complete the How can we help you? form.

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