FUSION: Investment Fund Operations and the 6x6 Challenge
The Fund Elements 6x6 blog series will introduce each level in FUSION, the new Full stack Standard for Investment Operations.
Sign-up for Free to access FUSION and the resources you need to develop the skills to convert your operational know-how into great business process content.
[5 Minute Read]
The 6x6 Challenge
"A maximum of six points and six words per point"
The challenge set by the presentation skills trainer for our group.
My subject area was Investment Fund Operations.
I had 15 minutes to prepare a pitch.
Identify the fewest words to communicate the most important areas.
"Less is more..." was her advice.
"What do I include, what do I leave out?" was my challenge.
My first attempt cut a few corners.
Full stack Standard for Investment Fund Operations
Many years and iterations later...
Three points and fifteen words:
GOVERN the investment fund activities
INVEST available capital
REPORT to board, regulatory and statutory authorities
These 3 areas represent the top level of FUSION.
They are starting point for a new conversation about Investment Operations.
Context is King.
They set the context for everything a fund does.
And break down into 12 areas of operational activity shared by all funds.
Agreeing the scope of the top level is the first step in understanding FUSION.
Fund Element's objective is to make the simple and important information you need to run your funds operations quick and easy to access for everyone who needs to know.
Getting everyone on the same page...
So that we can drill down to discover the day to day operational tasks.
Have I left anything important out?
Business Analysis Skills
For me, it has always been important to know the context of each action.
I enjoy the analysis work required to understand how tasks connect and flow to achieve an overall objective.
It is however a very limited exercise.
It needs to be documented, shared and validated through engagement with a wider community.
It needs to be applied to solve real operational challenges.
Do I have all of the answers?
No, I have some of the information, a willingness to engage and a structured approach that everyone can access and understand.
Next Steps
For an initial six week period Fund Elements will run the 6x6 blog series to introduce FUSION.
I will introduce you to the Business Analysis skills required to build great business process content.
The 6x6 Blog Series will navigate you through the 3 Top Level Processes.
It will outline the 12 areas of operational activity.
In week 5 we will take a deeper look at one of the areas of operational activity.
The Fund Accounting process, Calculate Net Asset Value.
In week 6, we will host a live webinar to break down each of Fund Accounting process in more detail.
Each week, Fund Elements will also focus on a Business Analysis skill required to build great process content.
FUSION is Fund Elements new Full stack Standard for Investment Operations.
FUSION is free to use for personal educational purposes and subject to terms of use.
Click the Sign Up For Free button on www.fundelements.io to get access to the first 3 levels of FUSION.
FUSION is available for commercial use subject to license agreement.
To start a 14 Day Free Trial go to www.fundelements.io/product-page/fusion-14-day-free-trial
This blog first appeared on www.fundelements.io/blog.